前置詞2 場所の表現 at/in/on/for/off



      at          →   on        →       in


-at the bus stop / on the street / in my room 

                           on the beach


-He is at the center of the scandal.(抽象的な「点」)

-She showed a candy on the center of her palm.(手のひらという「面」)

-I stood in the center of the room and wait her.(部屋という「空間」)


in とatの使い分け




at the intersection of A(street) and B(street) AとBの交差点で


※at the party inでないのは不思議



-I went to Hawaii.

-I went for the Oakland.



The bullet flew toward Neo but stopped before it reached him.


 off ~から離れて

My hometown is located 100 kilomater off Tokyo.


onとinの使い分け 「イスに座る」の場合

sit on a chair, sit in a chair、どちらも使うがニュアンスが異なる。例を見ればわかる。

-sit on a chair

-asleep in a chair

-do yoga in a chair

-sit on a chair with her legs crossed


前置詞 時間の表現 at/on/in


狭い         →             広い

    at → on → in

時間   日   週以上


at three/  on Sunday  /   in 2018

at night/  on January 19 / in the 15th century   



・in the morning, in the afternoon(←→at night)

・on the morning of September 11


・on May 5th(←→in May)


・next, last, one, some, every, this, that+時の言葉→前置詞はつけなくてよい(つけてもよい)


-Come visit me some day.




~の間(最上級,firist, last, no, only, 否定文で)

-It was the most successful movie in 12 years.



-It will rain in three hours.



this time next year 来年の今頃

a week ago today=today last week 先週の今日

today next week 来週の今日




let someone in on something 秘密を話す

-She may have let him in on the meeting. 彼女がばらしちゃったのかもしれない。


compare notes 意見を共有する


touch base (with someone) ちょっと話す

-I just called him and touched base.


pick up on something 前の会話に出てきた話題を話す


beat around the bush 核心に触れるのを避けて違うことについて話す

-I won't beat around the bush.

コロンの使い方 Colon :

1 「以下の~」という表現。

-The assignments are as follows: chapter1,2, and 3.

※for exampleは使えない。


2 前の言葉を後が描写する場合。

-I have a problem: a toothache.


3 長い文を引用するとき。


4 後ろの文が前の文を説明するとき。 


-There is one benefit of membership: You can get $10 discount.


1 接続詞(coordinate conjunction)がいらない場合


-I graduated from UCLA; My degree is physics.


接続副詞(conjunctive adverb)が入る場合

-I can attend the meeting; however, you may not come.


・接続副詞の例:accordingly, actually, also, as a result, besides, then, moreober, furthermore, for example など


2 接続詞がいる場合


-She decided to go; and we had a nice tea party.



-The final candidates are A, of the UCSC; B, of the USC; and C, of the NYU.






Feelings 感情の表現

down in the dumps 不幸せな気持ち

-I have been feeling down in the dumps.

-dump ゴミ捨て場


drive someone up the wall とても怒らせる/不幸せにする/不安にさせる

-The old man began to drive me up the wall.


blow hot and cold 肯定的だったり否定的だったりする

-Our boss is always blowing hot and cold about our plan. いつも違うことを言う

-I can't decide witch plan to take - I have been blowing hot and cold for weeks. 態度が決まらない


on edge 不安になる

-I am on edge before an important meeting.


one's heart isn't in something 関心がない

-Your heart isn't in your husband. もはや興味がない


a sight for sore eyes 見て嬉しくなるもの

-sore ヒリヒリ痛い


walking on air/ over the moon とても嬉しい

-I am over the moon.


whatever floats your boat 何でも好きなようにやっていい

-You can pick chocolates, raisins - whatever floats your boat. 何でもどうぞ



pick you up 幸せな気分にさせる

-pick-me-up 元気にさせる物、刺激剤

-I had a pick-me-up after the stressful meeting. 一杯やった

-Sunshine really picks you up, doesn't it?


be swept away≒ be carried away 感情をかき立てられる・うっとりする・我を忘れる

※carried away は「感情的になった結果やり過ぎた」というニュアンス。

-I was carried away by the fragrance.

-I was a little carried away. I bought so many mangos.

-He got carried away and invited the whole class to his small house. 


have a lump in your throat/ get chocked up とても感情的になる

-lump こぶ、塊

-It was a sad story. I had a lump in my throat.



out of sorts 機嫌が悪い


touch a nerve 気に障ることを言う

-touch a nerve among student


up in arms 反対する




I am a fiercely independent person and I have a full and busy life.

fiercely 激しく

-We have survived in this fiercely competitive market. 競争の激しい市場

-He is a fiercely talented scholar.  すさまじい才能のある

-kiss her fiercely 激しくキスする


have a full and busy life 忙しく充実した生活


You need to be good at problem solving with the tech savviness of the average college student

 savvy 知識がある(自動詞、形容詞、名詞)

-What I savvy the most is physics.

-savvy with finance

-savvy invester
