
for the heck of it ふざけて馬鹿げたことをする

-I named my cat after my ex-boyfriend for the heck of it.


stagecouch 駅馬車郵便馬車

-The mail was carried in the stagecouch.

=The mail was carried by stagecouch.


in ~は移動に自分の意思が反映されている場合(小さい乗り物)/on~はただ自分が運ばれている場合(大きい乗り物)

-in the car

-on the bus

-on the airplane


run as a candidate 立候補する

run for election 選挙に立候補する

※runの過去形 ran[発音:バタフライA]


trip on ~ つまづく

-I tripped on the stone on the road.


by way of ~ ~経由で、~の手段で、~の目的で、~の目的で

-We went by way of the new highway.

-Drugs are imported by way of third country.


luncheon 正式な昼食会


rally 集まる、集める、集合

-rally in prices 価格の再上昇

-rally in stocks 株価の再上昇

-Half of the students were at the rally.


horseback 馬の背

-travel on horseback

-go horseback riding 乗馬しに行く


in retirement 退職生活を送る


in demand 需要がある

-Umbrellas are in great demand on rainy days.


write in ~ ~の文字、言語などで書く

-She always write in black ink.


on the beach

go on a picnic

at the other side of ~ ~の反対側で

-They live at the other side of the town.


drive off 車で走り去る

-She sat in her car and drove off.