suits episode1

He's our best closer.


closer 勝つ試合の最後を締める抑えの切り札投手、完投できる先発投手


So I'm just trying to figure out what happened in the interim.

the interim しばらくの間(名詞)

interim 仮の(形容詞)

-an interim report 中間報告


Says here that Cooper won't be stayin on as honorary vice president.

honorary 名目的な


It's you who's been dealing in bad faith.


bad faith 裏切り

-in bad faith 不誠実な意図を持って

-You acted in bad faith.


You're working me.


work A Aを担当する係である


Why don't you take your pansy attitude back in there.

take back~ ~を取り消す

in there そこに

pansy 女々しい


escrow 売買等の仲介をする第三者



Traver, a person is more likely to die while dealing with drugs than they would be on death row in Texas.

death row 死刑囚監房




The fact that we hire from the Harvard gives us a cache that's a little more valuable than hireing a kid from Rutgers.


cache 隠し場所(名詞)、~を隠す

Rutgers ラトガース大学


My billables destroy his.

billabe 支払い可能な

-billable hours 支払い請求可能な業務時間数


I'm here night and day doing whatever's needed instead of swanning in and out of here whenever I please.

swan 当てもなくさまよう、悠々と泳ぐ(Vi)


Look, I'm just trying to ditch the cop OK?

ditch~ ~から逃げる


You've hit on me.

hit on~ ~をくどく、ナンパする

-Hitting on me will get you nowhere.


We can get it out of the way that I am not interested.

I've given dozens of these and without fail, whatever new hotshot it is thinks that, because I'm just a paralegal, that I will somehow be blown away by his dazzling degree. I assure. I won't.



What do you thinkof Harvey?

-People are in owe of him.

in owe of ~ ~を崇拝する 


You haven't taken one note because you were too busy ogling me to listen to a word I've said?

ogle~ ~をいやらしい目つきで見つめる


Just because I outrank you that not mean that I have the authority to command your sevices.


Nobody likes a showoff.

showoff 目立ちたがり屋、見栄っ張り

-show-off act 見せびらかしの行為

show off(vi,vt) 目立とうとする、~を見せびらかす


No more shenanigans.

shenanigans  ペテン、ごまかし、不正行為


I don't get emotionaly attached to a client.


Nobody does anything as a courtesy.


I'd subpoena the personnel records of every woman who left the firm during this guy's tenure.


subpoena (証人に対する裁判所からの)召喚状、~を証拠として法廷に提出させる



That was a little harsh.



What does carry weight is that an investigation of sexual harassment must be conducted without any duress.

-Your point?

-The investigater and every person being interviewed answers to the CEO they're investigationg. That is the defenition of duress.


Need I remind you that when we first met, you are a screw-up? I gave you a shot at the mail room, led you up the ranks, and then paid for you to go to Harvard, where, by the way, you jerked off the entire time you were there, and I still hired you.


give someone a shot

jerk off


You made your bed, you better gaddamn win.