新聞記事(カリフォルニア州法 武器の携帯について)

Weapons laws are more severe for drug addicts and felons.

felon 重罪(felony)を犯した人


a bat is classified as a billy club, illegal.

billy 警棒

billy club 警棒


Three men saunter into a saloon.

saunter ぶらつく、のんびり歩く(動詞)、散歩(名詞)

saloon 居酒屋、公共の大広間


One wears a bowler hat and a pince-nez.

bowler =bowlerhat 山高帽

pince-nez パンセネ(鼻に固定するめがね)


A shot-filled sock is a blackjack, illegal even in your home.

blackjack ~を脅迫する(動詞)


Three degenerates in a vacant lot are armed.

degenerate 堕落した人、変態(名詞)、悪化する、堕落する(vi,vt)


At a hardware store, a surly customer grips his oak cane with a brass-knob top.

hardware sotre ホームセンター

surly  無愛想な

brass 真鍮


A throwing knife is classified as a dirk or dagger, and sheathed openly is legal.

dirk 短剣

sheath [∫i:θ] 鞘

sheathe~[∫i:δ] ~を覆う、~を鞘に収める