










Your point is that... right?



You once approached the register and



left there



without putting your goods on the counter



still, you can buy goods first


still, I cannot buy my goods while you are away because you have the priority




I didn't see you approach the register



There was no one when I came to the register



How can I know that you were here before me?

On what earth do I know that ~



You insist on your priority, then, show me the evidence that you were at the counter before me



Do not insist your priority




Do not impose an unreasonable rule on me










You such an allogant basterd



Your point is that you once approached the counter and left without putting your goods, still you have the priority to buy, right? I didn't see you at all when I reach here, then on what kind of earth do I know that you were here? Do not impose an absurd rules on others. F**k you!






fraught 危険・問題でいっぱいの、緊張をはらんだ

-The history of Prople's park is fraught with conflict.


chancellor 大学総長


parcel 大きな土地の一部の区画、(いろんな物の総体の)一部

-The university's plan for developing the residential parcel began in 1990.


eminent 著名な、優れた

eminent domain 土地収用

-The university paid 5 million for the land, using a process of eminent domain.


dub ~にニックネームをつける、~を吹き替える、ダビングする

-as it has been dubbed

suits episode 3 season 1

He'll want to put a face with your name.
-How do you know?

-Because Robert's a tightwad, and we don't bill you out for nothing.

tightwad けち(スラング

for nothing 見返り無しで、無駄に

He's just a kid. Are you trying to steal his soul before he hits puberty? 
Obviously, I'm long past You're still upset about our labor negotiations.
Well, my workers took a big hit.
And McKernon took a bigger one.
Both of which poised the company to be strong for years.

poise(vi,vt) ~をバランスのとれた状態にしておく、身構える、準備する


I was always straight with you about that.
Sophisticated words for a guy who screwed us.

I'm sorry you feel that way, but you have to admit I did have the courtesy to do it from the front.

from the front

Yeah, he really appreciates what you've done for the company.

We're not paying him what we pay you.
-Nor should you. But I assure you, he's highly effective.

Nor should you. そうする必要はありませんよ。


I assure you 保証します

Expires in six months, with an option to extend exercisable in thirty days.


I made a bet that this company would grow and my billables would grow with it.

make a bet that~

You're going to go through those bylaws and you're going to find me a way to get rid of Robert Stensland.


Did you sleep with it under your pillow? How I sleep is none of your concern.
Yeah, neither is the Yankees batting order, but that doesn't stop me from thinking about it.

Neither is~ neitherなので倒置

Promise me you won't be cocky.

cocky うぬぼれた、生意気な、つけあがった


 Louis really wants to see you, and I don't kid about that.

kid 冗談を言う


Harvey, you knew what the buy-in was.

buy-in 株の買い付け


So, when you select a venue, these foods are not to be on the menu.
Venue for what?

venue 開催地、裁判地


Page 238, clause 137 states, "If the CEO dies, an interim CEO will be appointed "until the Board convenes an election vote, "which can't be called until the next fiscal quarter.
" In this case, next Thursday.

convene (会議を)招集する、(会議が)招集される


Get it through your head.
First impressions last.
If you start behind the eight ball, you'll never get in front.


get in front 正面に立つ


I'm hideous.

hideous 恐ろしい、不快な、忌まわしい、気味が悪い


Apparently, the diligence wasn't proceeding apace.

apace たちまち(副詞)

-proceed apace 速やかに進行する


diligent 熱心な、勤勉な

diligence 勤勉さ


You are a senior partner.
You are not a gunslinger anymore.

gunslinger 仕手投資家、ガンマン

Do you remember that whole "getting it" thing I was talking to you about? What, I can't even gloat? Gloating's fine.
You just have to not suck at it.

gloat ほくそ笑む、あざ笑う、満足する

They're just platitudes that don't mean anything.
Yes, they do.

platitude 中身のないこと、言葉、面白みのないこと

Worked like a charm.

=work like magic 魔法のようによく効く

I've always loved new experiences.
And your parents? They're loaded.

loaded 金持ちの

The least you could do is be honest with Jenny.


Harvey, eye on the ball.
The issue here is you tried to torpedo a client without my consent. That trumps the "who's the client" part.

(keep your) eye on the ball 油断しないで

torpedo~ ~を魚雷で攻撃する、計画をぶち壊す

trump~ ~に勝る

Wait a second.
Louis didn't go to Stensland behind my back.
You sent him there to hedge your bets.
Either Stensland's out and we double our billings, or you have plausible deniability and he stays with the firm.
Wow. Am I smart enough to do that?


Time to pay the piper.
Just so you know, I took the liberty of ordering some really expensive wines.

take the liberty of doing ~させてもらう

That is the last time I am ever ratting on anyone.
So if you fall for it again, it's on you.

rat on~ ~を裏切る

fall for~ ~にひっかかる

句動詞・phrasal verb【up】 




up の原義「上昇」がなぜ「完全」という感覚を生み出すのか。日本語(大和ことば)の agaru, ageru (上がる、上げる) と英語の up には共通感覚がある。増やす・増えるイメージ、満たすイメージ、上に移動するイメージ、完全にというイメージ

動詞 + up は句動詞ではない @ ArtSaltのサイドストーリー



turn up~ 音量を上げる

wrap up~ ~を仕上げる

blow up~ 膨らませる

bring up~ ~を持ち出す、育てる

fill up~ ~を満たす

look up to~ ~を尊敬する ←→look down on~

lift up ~を持ち上げる

put up~ ~をあげる

wake up~ ~を起こす

keep up~ ~を寝かせない

call up~ ~に電話する(電話に出るために起き上がらせるニュアンス)

wash up~ ~をきれいに洗う(完全にというニュアンス)

clean up~ ~をきれいにする(同)

come up with~ ~に行き当たる、出くわす

make up~ でっち上げる

back up~ ~を応援する、支える

beat up~ ~に暴力を振るう

break up~ ~と別れる

end up~ ~に終わる

take up~ ~を始める




turn up 到着する

keep up 諦めないでついて行く

get up 起きる

give up 諦める

speak up 大声ではっきり話す

cheer up 元気づける

grow up 成長する

catch up 追いつく(~に:with)

put up 耐える(~に:with) 

finish up 仕上げる

sit up 起き上がる

show up 現れる

hold up じっとする、手を上げる



句動詞・phrasal verb【up】 




up の原義「上昇」がなぜ「完全」という感覚を生み出すのか。日本語(大和ことば)の agaru, ageru (上がる、上げる) と英語の up には共通感覚がある。増やす・増えるイメージ、満たすイメージ、上に移動するイメージ、完全にというイメージ

動詞 + up は句動詞ではない @ ArtSaltのサイドストーリー



turn up~ 音量を上げる

wrap up~ ~を仕上げる

blow up~ 膨らませる

bring up~ ~を持ち出す、育てる

fill up~ ~を満たす

look up to~ ~を尊敬する ←→look down on~

lift up ~を持ち上げる

put up~ ~をあげる

wake up~ ~を起こす

keep up~ ~を寝かせない

call up~ ~に電話する(電話に出るために起き上がらせるニュアンス)

wash up~ ~をきれいに洗う(完全にというニュアンス)

clean up~ ~をきれいにする(同)

come up with~ ~に行き当たる、出くわす

make up~ でっち上げる



get up 起きる

give up 諦める

speak up 大声ではっきり話す

cheer up 元気づける

grow up 成長する

catch up 追いつく(~に:with)

put up 耐える(~に:with) 

finish up 仕上げる

sit up 起き上がる

show up 現れる

hold up じっとする、手を上げる




You can set up in the conference room.

-Yeah, but I'm just a...

-Get set up in the conferenece room.

set up 準備する

get set up 準備する

-get your computer set up


They are like storm troopers.

-Storm troopers don't write checks.

storm trooper 突撃隊員


I stand corrected. Your "fast times at ridgemont high" quote, that proves you belong at the adult table.


stand corrected 自分の誤りを認める

-I am most happy to stand corrected. 自分の誤りを喜んで訂正します。


"fast times at ridgemont high"(映画のタイトル)



Patent clam. I negotiated the deal to get it done. He agreed to file it for me.  All I have to do is proof his Bainbridge briefs.

proof 校閲する

brief 判決の詳細を含む書類


The fact that you don't know already concerns me. 

-Oh, the patent thing?

-The patent thing is the only paper that's holding up our deal from yesterday.

 hold up~ ~を引き留める、停滞させる


What do you think you're doing?

-Uh..I'm proofing briefs.

-Why? It's Gregory's responsibilities. Why are you handling it?



I know, I can come across a bit prickly.

prickly 短気な

come across~ ~という印象を与える


You caught the discrepancies between listed assets and potential assets. That has a huge impact, Mike.

-But anyone would've caught that, right?

 discrepancy 相違

君はlisted assetsと potential assetsを区別した。これはすごいことだよ、マイク。



Did you serve them with notice of the hearing?

serve 人 with 物 人に~を送る


Let the record show that the cousel is fined $1,000 for failng to follow the posted rules of the court.


Why was't I given the courtesy copy?

-Given the expeditied nature of this hearing, I---

 expedite~ ~の進行を早める、迅速に処理する

-expedite the decision-making 迅速に意思決定をする


If you're gonna screw me, I guess it's only fair that you call me by name.

-I could have you brought up on review for talking to me like that.

 screw~ ~をねじ込む、くしゃくしゃに潰す、こき下ろす(スラング


So why didn't we do that in the first place?

-Because it takes longer, and I wanted to head velocity off at the pass.

-Hey, where are you going?

-To iron out a wrinkle.

in the first place そもそも

head off~ ~を食い止める

head velocity 先端速度 

iron out a wrinkle しわを取る≒問題を解決する


I recall you being tipsy that night, but I'm finding it hard to believe that your memory is so cloudy, you forgot I sent you home in a cab.

tispy ほろ酔いの



I fall all over myself making a pass and you did the right thing and send me home.

fall all over oneself(~ing) 一生懸命する


Perhaps we could discuss a little quid pro quo before I do.

quid pro quo 交換条件


Back in the day, to woo a client you would take him to dinner, you would buy him a drink.

woo(vi,vt) 求める、求婚する


Someone in his generations who shares the same proclivities?

proclivity 性癖、よくない傾向

-proclivity to shoplift


You don't barge in here when I'm on the phone.

berge 突然割り込む

-berge in ノックも無く突然部屋に入る


I told him that Louis put me up to it and that he couldn't trust him. He said that Louis gave him creeps anyway.

put someone up to ~ 人をそそのかして~させる

give someone the creeps ぞっとさせる


He's also the first person that would tell you never to take no for an answer from anyone.

take no for an answer 拒絶を受け入れる

never take no for an answer 決して嫌とは言わせない


I thought you wanted to do nothing with him.

-I didn't. But then I thought about it. And he might not be a very good person, but a little deviousness is the sort of thing you look for in a good lawyer.

-I want someone being devious for me, not to me.

deviousness ずる賢さ、腹黒さ



They know we're stalled on our injunction, which means, to them, they're giving you a fair pricd as an insurance policy against the risk of possibly losing the interference claim.

injunction 差止命令


He's very anxious to meet you.

-You think you can get away with screwing my wife and then have me investigated?

-You actually have it the wrong way around.

anxious to ~ ~したいと強く望んでいる 

wrong way around あべこべに












新聞記事(カリフォルニア州法 武器の携帯について)

Weapons laws are more severe for drug addicts and felons.

felon 重罪(felony)を犯した人


a bat is classified as a billy club, illegal.

billy 警棒

billy club 警棒


Three men saunter into a saloon.

saunter ぶらつく、のんびり歩く(動詞)、散歩(名詞)

saloon 居酒屋、公共の大広間


One wears a bowler hat and a pince-nez.

bowler =bowlerhat 山高帽

pince-nez パンセネ(鼻に固定するめがね)


A shot-filled sock is a blackjack, illegal even in your home.

blackjack ~を脅迫する(動詞)


Three degenerates in a vacant lot are armed.

degenerate 堕落した人、変態(名詞)、悪化する、堕落する(vi,vt)


At a hardware store, a surly customer grips his oak cane with a brass-knob top.

hardware sotre ホームセンター

surly  無愛想な

brass 真鍮


A throwing knife is classified as a dirk or dagger, and sheathed openly is legal.

dirk 短剣

sheath [∫i:θ] 鞘

sheathe~[∫i:δ] ~を覆う、~を鞘に収める